Development Overview

The Overview Tool is invoked from the TopBar Browse pull-down, and is applicable to all specifications, refinements and implementations that are currently analysed.

It provides hypertext-like facilities in picture form, enabling the user to navigate through a development through a push-button interface.

The following options are initially presented:

The last option provides a sub-menu of all constructs that may currently be browsed (i.e. all specifications, refinements and implementations that are currently analysed), with subsequent selection resulting in a detailed overview of the selected construct.

The specification and design overviews are presented in a layered horizontal manner; selecting any construct will result in a detailed overview of that construct, when the diagram is displayed in vertical form, with seen/ used constructs (if any) to the left of the overviewed construct and included constructs (when overviewing a specification) or imported constructs (when overviewing a design) on the right:

Browsing a Design See figure.

Selecting any of the constructs will result in an overview of that construct.

Browsing a Construct See figure.

Subsequently electing the main (highlighted) construct will then popup a selection comprising the abstractions /refinements of that construct (if any); subsequent selection will result in an overview of that construct; the selection also provides the facility to open the main construct for hypertext viewing.

Browsing an Abstraction/Refinement See figure.

Each overview provides the following options:


A full on-line help listing is available in the Contents Page
Also available in the form of a complete Index.
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